26 research outputs found

    Un modelo para definir la programación de la producción en un taller de flujo con tiempos de cambio de partida dependientes considerando productividad y ergonomía

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    [EN] The manufacturer industry is characterized by the presence of highly repetitive movements, which is a major risk factor associated with work musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). Moreover, this risk factor worsens when workers do not take adequate rest periods. This paper analyzes the problem and presents a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) mathematical model to minimize makespan in an n¿job flow-shop problem with sequence-dependent setup times by considering recovery times. To this end, the model combines the effectiveness of MILP mathematical model optimization with the OCRA ergonomic assessment method. The model calculates work-recovery periods in workers¿ schedules based on the OCRA included in standards UNE¿EN 1005¿5:2007 and ISO 11228¿3:2007. Finally, a case study in a Food Sector Company is described.[ES] La industria manufacturera se caracteriza por la presencia de una elevada repetitividad de movimientos de sus trabajadores, siendo éste un importante factor de riesgo asociado con los trastornos musculoesqueléticos (TME) de origen laboral. Además, dicho factor de riesgo empeora cuando los trabajadores no realizan períodos de descanso adecuados. Este artículo analiza dicha problemática y presenta un modelo matemático de Programación Lineal Entera Mixta (PLEM) para minimizar el makespan en un problema de secuenciación flow-shop de n-trabajos con tiempos de setup dependientes de la secuencia, considerando los tiempos de recuperación de los trabajadores. Para ello, el modelo combina la efectividad de la optimización del modelo matemático de PLEM con el método de evaluación ergonómica OCRA. El modelo calcula los períodos de recuperación de los trabajadores según el método OCRA incluido en las normas UNE-EN 1005-5: 2007 e ISO 11228-3: 2007. Finalmente, se describe un caso de estudio en una empresa del sector alimentario.Asensio Cuesta, S.; Gómez-Gasquet, P. (2017). A model to define setup time sequence dependent flow shop scheduling considering productivity and ergonomic. Dyna. New Technologies. 5:1-15. doi:10.6036/NT8632S115

    Programación de la producción en un taller de flujo híbrido sujeto a incertidumbre: arquitectura y algoritmos. Aplicación a la industria cerámica

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    En un marco de competencia global en el cual los tiempos de respuesta son cada vez más relevantes como elemento competitivo y donde, en no pocas ocasiones, las empresas tiende a ofrecer un catálogo de productos amplio y diferenciado de la competencia, existen múltiples retos que las Organizaciones deben afrontar. Dentro de éstas la Dirección de Operaciones tiene el reto de adaptar los procesos de Gestión de los Sistemas Productivos y Logísticos a las actuales necesidades. En este proceso de cambio es habitual partir de Sistemas Productivos poco flexibles y orientados a la producción en masa en los que es fundamental emplear el mejor "saber-hacer" para procurar obtener el rendimiento más adecuado de los recursos disponibles. El despliegue de unas buenas prácticas en el ámbito de la Programación de la Producción puede ayudar en buena medida a mejorar la eficiencia de los recursos. Tradicionalmente se ha venido considerando a la Programación de la Producción con una visión bastante cuantitativa en la que su misión consistía en asignar, secuenciar y temporizar los diferentes trabajos del periodo en base a los recursos disponibles. No obstante, sin dejar de ser válido este planteamiento, en esta tesis se desea enfatizar como en realidad el fin último de las técnicas y métodos desarrollados durante años en el ámbito de la Programación de la Producción no es otro que el de ser empleados dentro de un Sistemas de Ayuda a la Toma de Decisiones. Y en este sentido, las decisiones operativas que se toman en el área del Programador de la Producción deben estar conectadas en todos los casos, al menos, con su entorno decisional más directo como es el de la Planificación de la Producción. Una revisión literaria en profundidad al extenso trabajo realizado en más de 50 años de existencia de lo que se ha denominado, empleando la terminología en lengua inglesa, como "Scheduling" pone de manifiesto la existencia una necesidad que debe ser cubierta.Gómez Gasquet, P. (2010). Programación de la producción en un taller de flujo híbrido sujeto a incertidumbre: arquitectura y algoritmos. Aplicación a la industria cerámica [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/7728Palanci

    Service-oriented Approach Supporting Dynamic Manufacturing Networks Operations

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    [EN] In the current economic crisis, also the manufacturing sector is asked to evolve towards more dynamic organizational structures within which, composing manufacturing processes, almost in real time, will become a need. This work aims at introducing flexibility and dynamisms to current manufacturing processes by separating its tasks from its final performers. With the proposed approach, the performers replacement can be done almost seamlessly. Additionally, the approach shows how dynamic negotiation and contracting, either for a whole process or a single activity, can be smoother if the task specification is based on a standard service interface defined at the ecosystem level. At the end, a prototype implementation is briefly described.Franco Pereyra, RD.; Ortiz Bas, Á.; Gómez-Gasquet, P. (2013). Service-oriented Approach Supporting Dynamic Manufacturing Networks Operations. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 408:345-354. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-40543-3_37S345354408Osório, A.L., Afsarmanesh, H., Camarinha-Matos, L.M.: Open Services Ecosystem Supporting Collaborative Networks. In: Ortiz, Á., Franco, R.D., Gómez Gasquet, P. (eds.) BASYS 2010. IFIP AICT, vol. 322, pp. 80–91. Springer, Heidelberg (2010)Afsarmanesh, H., Camarinha-Matos, L., Msanjila, S.: On management of 2nd generation Virtual Organizations Breeding Environments. Annual Reviews in Control 33(2), 209–219 (2009)Afsarmanesh, H., Camarinha-Matos, L.: A Framework for Management of Virtual Organization Breeding Environments. In: Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Afsarmanesh, H., Ortiz, A. (eds.) Collaborative Networks and Their Breeding Environments. IFIP, vol. 186, pp. 35–48. Springer, Boston (2005)Franco, R.D., Ortiz Bas, A., Gómez-Gasquet, P., Rodriguez Rodriguez, R.: Open Ecosystems, Collaborative Networks and Service Entities Integrated Modeling Approach. In: Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Xu, L., Afsarmanesh, H. (eds.) Collaborative Networks in the Internet of Services. IFIP AICT, vol. 380, pp. 74–83. Springer, Heidelberg (2012)Minguez, J., Zor, S., Reimann, P.: Event-driven business process management in Engineer-to-Order supply chains. In: 2011 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), pp. 624–631 (2011)Wang, X., Cai, H., Xu, B.: An Extended Petri-Net Based Approach for Supply Chain Process Modeling and Web Service Transformation. In: International Conference on Management and Service Science, MASS 2009, pp. 1–5 (2009)Mowshowitz, A.: The switching principle in Virtual Organization. eJOV 1(1), 7–18 (1999)Franco, Ortiz Bas, Lario Esteban, F.C.: Modeling extended manufacturing processes with service-oriented entities. Service Business 3(1), 31–50 (2009)Vallejos, R.V., Lima, C., Varvakis, G.: A Framework To Create A Virtual Organization Breeding Environment In The Mould And Die Sector. In: Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Afsarmanesh, H., OIlus, M. (eds.) Network-Centric Collaboration and Supporting Frameworks. IFIP, vol. 224, pp. 599–608. Springer, Boston (2006)Bocchi, L., Fiadeiro, J., Rajper, N., Reiff-Marganiec, S.: Structure and Behaviour of Virtual Organisation Breeding Environments (January 2010)Romero, D., Molina, A.: VO breeding environments & virtual organizations integral business process management framework. Information Systems Frontiers 11(5), 569–597 (2009)Ulieru, M., Grobbelaar, S.: Engineering Industrial Ecosystems in a Networked World. In: 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, vol. 1, pp. 1–7 (2007)Rajini, S.N.S., Bhuvaneswari, D.T.: Service Based Architecture for Manufacturing Sector (2010)Lobov, A., Puttonen, J., Herrera, V.V., Andiappan, R., Lastra, J.L.M.: Service oriented architecture in developing of loosely-coupled manufacturing systems. In: 6th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2008, pp. 791–796 (2008)Jammes, F., Smit, H., Lastra, J.L.M., Delamer, I.M.: Orchestration of service-oriented manufacturing processes. In: 10th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2005, vol. 1, pp. 617–624 (2005)Zor, S., Görlach, K., Leymann, F.: Using BPMN for Modeling Manufacturing Processes. Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, Wien (2010

    Measuring and linking social network knowledge exchange and organisational performance

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    [EN] This paper deals with how to measure social network knowledge exchange and its link with organisational performance. First, it revises both social network analysis and performance measurement techniques, highlighting the main performance elements that may be used. Then, it categorises the main social knowledge network working levels and components from a performance management perspective. It presents the main dimensions of social knowledge networks (actors, knowledge exchange and performance elements) from the performance management point of view. Last but not least, it describes and categorises the main techniques that could be used in order to determine the current and future position inside the social knowledge network (Data Envelopment Analysis). It also emphases the characteristics and pitfalls of the subjective (Analytic Network Processes) and objective techniques (multivariate models), that tend to be used when analyzing the link between social network knowledge exchange and organisational performance.The research reported in this paper is supported by the European Commission for the project “Engaging in Knowledge Networking via an interactive 3D social Supplier Network (KNOWNET)” (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IAPP 324408)”Rodríguez Rodríguez, R.; Mula, J.; Gómez-Gasquet, P.; Leon, R. (2015). Measuring and linking social network knowledge exchange and organisational performance. InImpact. 8(2):572-583. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/109192S5725838

    Social network analysis: A tool for evaluating and predicting future knowledge flows from an insurance organization

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    [EN] The paper aims to identify the individuals who influence the knowledge sharing processes from an internal social network and to forecast the future knowledge flows that may cross it. Exploratory research is employed, and a four-phase methodology is developed which combines a social network analysis with structural modeling. This is applied to the internal enterprise social network used by a British insurance company. The main results emphasize the most influential groups, their relationships, future knowledge flows, and the connection between the network's heterogeneity and structure, and employees' future knowledge sharing intention. These findings have both theoretical and practical implications. The theory is extended by proving that a social network analysis can be used as a tool for evaluating and predicting future knowledge flows. At the same time, a solution is offered to decision-makers so they will be able to: (i) identify the potential knowledge loss; (ii) determine leaders; (iii) establish who is going to act as a knowledge diffuser, by sharing what they know with their coworkers, and who is going to act as a knowledge repository, by focusing on acquiring increasingly more knowledge; (iv) identify the elements that influence employees' future knowledge sharing intention. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved."The research reported in this paper is supported by the European Commission for the project "Engaging in Knowledge Networking via an interactive 3D social Supplier Network (KNOWNET)" (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IAPP 324408)".Leon, R.; Rodríguez Rodríguez, R.; Gómez-Gasquet, P.; Mula, J. (2017). Social network analysis: A tool for evaluating and predicting future knowledge flows from an insurance organization. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 114:103-118. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2016.07.032S10311811

    Formative Assessment Framework Proposal for Transversal Competencies: Application to Analysis and Problem-Solving Competence

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    Purpose: In the last years, there is an increasing interest in the manner that transversal competences (TC) are introduced in the curricula. Transversal competences are generic and relevant skills that students have to develop through the several stages of the educational degrees. This paper analyses TCs in the context of the learning process of undergraduate and postgraduate courses. The main aim of this paper is to propose a framework to improve results. The framework facilities the student's training and one of the important pieces is undoubtedly that he has constant feedback from his assessments that allowing to improve the learning. An applying in the analysis and problem solving competence in the context of Master Degree in Advanced Engineering Production, Logistics and Supply Chain at the UPV is carried out. Design/methodology/approach: The work is the result of several years of professional experience in the application of the concept of transversal competence in the UPV with undergraduate and graduate students. As a result of this work and various educational innovation projects, a team of experts has been created, which has been discussing some aspects relevant to the improvement of the teaching-learning process. One of these areas of work has been in relation to the integration of various proposals on the application and deployment of transversal competences. With respect to this work, a conceptual proposal is proposed that has subsequently been empirically validated through the analysis of the results of several groups of students in a degree. Findings: The main result that is offered in the work is a framework that allows identifying the elements that are part of the learning process in the area of transversal competences. Likewise, the different items that are part of the framework are linked to the student's life cycle, and a temporal scope is established for their deployment. Practical implications: One of the most noteworthy practical implications is that the proposed framework includes a tool that allows a clear measurement of the student's evolution throughout his / her formative life cycle. In this way the student has a more consistent and robust vision of his / her training and the academic directors of the titles can have a vision of the impact of the decisions on the learning processes. Originality/value: The analysis of transversal competences is usually presented in the context of a subject. In this paper we propose an approach to cross-curricular competences but in the scope of the student's complete life cycle. The consideration of the entire formative process as well as the identification of the relevant elements that are part of this process are the most original aspects of the work.Peer Reviewe

    A methodology to assess the generic competence "Analysis and Problem solving" in master degree

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    [EN] The Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) has considered the development and assessment of generic competences in the curricula of its undergraduate and graduate degrees. Specifically, thirteen generic competences have been defined and introduced within all the curricula. These generic competences are to be assessed within the specific activities developed through the courses. For that purpose, the UPV has designed an institutional project called "UPV transversal competences" in order to guide the general implementation of the generic competencies in the degrees. This paper emerges from the work developed within a specific educational project designed in coherence with the institutional UPV project that studies the "analysis and problem solving" competence in master degree. Instructors have experience in the assessment and development of specific competences but, most of them, still need tools that aid to assess the degree of development of generic competences due to its novelty in the curricula. In order to fill this gap, this paper presents a structured methodology to design and develop assessment procedures and instruments of the "analysis and problem solving" generic competence. This methodology has been applied during the academic year 2015-2016 to assess the "analysis and problem solving" competence in the "Technologies and Software Applications for Supply Chain Management" course which belongs to the Master in Advanced Engineering Production, Logistics and Supply Chain at the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering. This paper discusses main results and conclusions obtained from the application. These results are of two types: results of the assessment of the specific competence in the course and results of the questionnaire passed to the students to know their point of view regarding the whole experience.This work has been developed within the research project called "Assessment of UPV generic competence "problem analysis and resolution" in master students" (Ref.: PIME-A7-15) funded by the Vice-Rectorate for Studies, Quality and Accreditation at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Verdecho Sáez, MJ.; Gómez-Gasquet, P.; Rodríguez Rodríguez, R.; Alfaro Saiz, JJ. (2016). A methodology to assess the generic competence "Analysis and Problem solving" in master degree. ICERI Proceedings. 7506-7511. https://doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2016.0712S7506751

    Using an ANP performance management framework to manage the development of transversal competences in University degrees

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    [EN] Organisations are concerned about measuring the performance of the product/service they deliver to their customers. In all types of organisations, if a proper performance assessment is to be developed, it should be measured in different dimensions. At University, the new study programs include the development and assessment of transversal competences due to their importance in enhancing the abilities and improving the employability of students. The achievement of transversal competences can be assessed in different levels/stages; for example, the 1st and 2nd years of a Bachelor's degree; the 3rd and 4th years of a Bachelor's degree and at Master's level. The purpose of this paper is to integrate the research into performance management in organisations to develop an approach consisting of four components (a methodology, a solid and integrated performance management framework, graphical diagrams and quantitative techniques) to assess and manage the achievement of transversal competences through the different levels of study using a consolidated approach. The proposal uses the Analytic Network Process (ANP) to model dependences and feedback among the elements of the competences.This work has been developed within the research projects "Use of software applications for training and assessing the UPV transversal competence "effective communication" in bachelor and master" (Ref. PIME/2016/A/16) and "Development of a social network for the design, follow-up, assessment and multi-disciplinary coordination of the TFG and TFM" (Ref.: PIME/2017/A/018) funded by the Vice-Rectorate for Studies, Quality and Accreditation at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Verdecho Sáez, MJ.; Alfaro Saiz, JJ.; Rodríguez Rodríguez, R.; Gómez-Gasquet, P. (2021). Using an ANP performance management framework to manage the development of transversal competences in University degrees. Central European Journal of Operations Research. 29:1-24. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10100-020-00693-7S12429Aczél J, Saaty TL (1983) Procedures for synthesizing ratio judgement. J Math Psychol 27(1):93–102Alfaro JJ, Ortiz A, Rodríguez R (2007) Performance measurement system for enterprise networks. Int J Product Perform Manag 56(4):305–334AQSUC (2009) Guía para la evaluación de competencias en el área de ingeniería y arquitectura. AQSUC. 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Int J Project Manage 33:1795–1811Choi CR, Jeong HY (2019) Quality evaluation for multimedia contents of e-learning systems using the ANP approach on high speed network. Multimedia Tools and Applications (Article in press https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-019-7351-8)Diaz-Balteiro L, González-Pachón J, Romero C (2017) Measuring systems sustainability with multi-criteria methods: a critical review. Eur J Oper Res 258:607–616Folan P, Browne J (2005) Development of an extended enterprise performance measurement system. Product Plann Control 16(6):531–544Forman E, Peniwati K (1998) Aggregating individual judgements and priorities with the analytic hierarchy process. Eur J Oper Res 108:165–169García García MJ, Terrón López MJ, Blanco Archilla Y (2009) Desarrollo de recursos docentes para la evaluación de competencias genéricas. XV Jornadas de Enseñanza Universitaria de Informática, BarcelonaGómez-Gasquet P, Verdecho MJ, Rodríguez-Rodríguez R, Alfaro-Saiz JJ (2018) Formative assessment framework proposal for transversal competencies: application to analysis and problem-solving competence. J Ind Eng Manag 11(2):73–89González J, Wagenaar R (2003) Tuning educational structures in Europe. Universidad de Deusto, BilbaoHo W, Xu X, Dey PK (2010) Multi-criteria decision making approaches for supplier evaluation and selection: a literature review. Eur J Oper Res 202(1):16–24Ibarra Sáiz MS (2010) INevalCO: INnovación en la EVALuación de COmpetencias Diseño y desarrollo de procedimientos e instrumentos para la evaluación de competencias entornos de aprendizaje mixtos/virtuales con la participación de los estudiantes en los títulos de grado. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, CádizICE (2015) Transversal competences rubrics. Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación. 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Comput Ind Eng 113:333–346Rodríguez Gómez G (2009) EvalHIDA: evaluación de competencias con herramientas de interacción dialógica asíncronas (foros, blogs y wikis). Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, CádizSaaty TL (1980) The analytic hierarchy process. McGraw-Hill, New YorkSaaty TL (1996) The analytic network process: decision making with dependence and feedback. RWS Publications, PittsburghSaaty TL (2001) Decision making with dependence and feedback: the analytic network process. RWS Publications, PittsburghSeyhan S, Mehpare T (2010) The analytic hierarchy process and analytic network process: an overview of applications. Manag Decis 48(5):775–808Sonseca A, Sahuquillo O, Martínez-Casas J, Carballeira J, Denia FD, Ródenas JJ (2015) Assessment of oral and written communication competences in the European higher education area: a proposal of evaluation methodologies. In: 1st International conference on higher education advances (HEAd’15), pp 2–9Tang HWV (2018) Modeling critical leadership competences for junior high school principals: a hybrid MCDM model combining DEMATEL and ANP, Kybernetes (Article in press https://doi.org/10.1108/k-01-2018-0015)UPV (2014) Dimensiones competenciales. Marco UPV de definición y evaluación de adquisición de competencias. Vicerrectorado de Estudios, Calidad y Acreditación. Downloaded 20 October, 2014, http://www.upv.es/contenidos/ICEP/info/DimensionesCompetenciales.pdfVerdecho MJ, Alfaro-Saiz JJ, Rodriguez-Rodríguez R, Ortiz Bas A (2012) A multi-criteria approach for managing inter-enterprise collaborative relationships. OMEGA 4:249–263Verdecho MJ, Rodríguez-Rodríguez R, Alfaro-Saiz JJ (2015) Evaluación de la competencia transversal UPV “comunicación efectiva” en máster. In: International conference innodoct’15Villa A, Poblete M (2007) Aprendizaje basado en competencias. Una propuesta para la evaluación de las competencias genéricas. Vicerrectorado de Innovación y Calidad de la Universidad de Deusto: Ediciones MensajeroYang YPO, Shieh HM, Leu JD, Tzeng G (2008) A novel hybrid MCDM model combined with DEMATEL and ANP with applications. Int J Oper Res 5(3):160–16

    An assessment framework for the "Oral effective communication" competence

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    [EN] In the last years, there is an increasing interest in the manner that generic or also called transversal competences (TC) are introduced in the programs. Transversal competences are generic and relevant skills that students have to develop while they are studying the different years of the program. These generic competences are to be assessed within the specific activities developed within the courses. For that purpose, the Universitat Politècnica Valencia (UPV) has designed an internal educational project called "UPV transversal competences" in order to support the general aim of the generic competencies assessment in the degrees. In this line, the UPV has granted various innovative educational projects that provide the assessment and collection of evidences on TC. This paper comes from the work of one innovative educational projects and, deals with the case of the assessment of the "effective communication" TC. The main purpose of this work is to present an assessment framework for the effective communication competence in postgraduate programmes at the UPV as well as describe a pilot application. This paper presents both the educational experience and main results obtained.This work has been developed within the research project called ¿Use of software applications for training and assessing the UPV transversal competence ¿effective communication¿ in bachelor and master¿ (Ref. PIME-A16-16) funded by the Vice-Rectorate for Studies, Quality and Accreditation at Universitat Politècnica de València.Gómez-Gasquet, P.; Verdecho Sáez, MJ.; Alfaro Saiz, JJ.; Rodríguez Rodríguez, R. (2017). An assessment framework for the "Oral effective communication" competence. ICERI Proceedings. 5990-5996. https://doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2017.1564S5990599

    Evaluating the analysis and problem solving competence at master context with a weighted approach

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    [EN] This paper presents the main results of measuring whether and to what extent the transversal competence called ¿Analysis and problem solving¿ has been achieved in a Higher Education Master Degree course being taught at the Universitat Politècnica de València in Valencia, Spain. This course is named ¿Performance Management System¿ and counted with 27 students during the academic year 2015-2016. Such a university has encouraged in the last years the development of different innovative educational projects in order to improve the quality of teaching. Additionally, these educational projects focus on specific transversal competences to be improved. The evaluation of the acquisition of the competence under study in this paper was made under a group approach. In order to evaluate the acquisition of such a competence from the different groups formed, some performance indicators, grouped into attributes of performance, were applied. Since not all of these indicators had the same importance when evaluating the acquisition of the competence, a weighted approach was used. This performance tool, formed by performance attributes and performance indicators, was applied in different moments during the course in order to better evaluate the degree of achievement of the competence. The main results show the homogeneity/heterogeneity degrees from the different groups regarding the level of achievement of the ¿Analysis and problem solving¿ competence.This work has been developed within the research project called “Assessment of UPV generic competence “problem analysis and resolution” in master students” (Ref.: PIME-A7-15) funded by the Vice-Rectorate for Studies, Quality and Acreditation at Universitat Politècnica de València.Rodríguez Rodríguez, R.; Verdecho Sáez, MJ.; Gómez-Gasquet, P.; Alfaro Saiz, JJ. (2016). Evaluating the analysis and problem solving competence at master context with a weighted approach. ICERI Proceedings. 7985-7990. doi:10.21125/iceri.2016.0832S7985799